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Transportation policy is set by the Board of Education of the Union Springs School District. All students living within the Union Springs School District are eligible for transportation to and from school.
Changes in Regular Transportation Procedures: The Union Springs School buses will transport students to any child care provider within the District's boundaries. Parents must provide this information in writing to the school in which their child attends prior to the beginning of the school year. Parents must also notify the school in writing, at least one week prior to any long-term change in child care arrangements.
Requests for transportation other than to designated child care providers or home must be submitted in writing to your child's school at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.All students must ride only their assigned run.
Transportation Program
Regular transportation shall be provided to and from school once daily and shall be provided according to the following guidelines: transportation between the bus stop and public or private schools located within the district.
Students in grades Pre K-6 will be provided transportation, students in grades 7-12 will be provided transportation if the distance is greater than one (1) mile. Pick-up points in the Villages of Union Springs and Cayuga may be established by the Transportation Director.
Transportation for Students Attending Private Schools & Off-Site Special Education Programs
The parents or guardian of a parochial or private school child residing in the school district who desires that the child be transported to a parochial or private school outside of the School District during the next school year should submit a written request to the Board of Education no later than April 1 of the preceding year, or within thirty (30) days of moving into the District. No late request of a parent or guardian shall be denied where a reasonable explanation is provided for the delay.
When Union Springs Central School District has a scheduled closing due to holiday, Superintendent's Conference Day or due to bad weather conditions, Union Springs Central School District will not provide transportation for students attending private schools or special education programs.
If Union Springs Central School District has an emergency closing, all private and special education programs will be notified that students will be picked up early and transported home.
Contact Us!
Ms. Andrea Lang
Transportation Supervisor
P: (315) 889-5036 (Primary)
P: (315) 889-4150 (Secondary)
F: (315) 889-4151Bus Garage
39 Grove St.
Union Springs, NY 13160